Linda has been interested in possibilities for years. Spurred by an experience of healing messages she received in the wake of the tragic passing of her brother and sister, she realized there was “more”. This led to reading, learning and contemplating the realms of the afterlife, angels, spirits and the nature of faith. Later, after raising her family and moving to this area, she met Kathy Duffy and Janet Jackson at a local college class on angels. A connection was made that would lead her to really expanding her horizons. The first time Linda experienced Reiki, she had a surprising and profound personal healing. Thus began her journey to learning Reiki at Energy Connection and becoming a certified teacher. In addition to traditional Usui Reiki, she also practices and teaches Holy Fire Reiki which she studied at the International School for Reiki in Michigan She has continued to learn and grow in the experience of Reiki and many other advanced healing modalities. Linda joined the Energy Connection team bringing her heart and talents here and also in community outreach in the hospice and cancer support environments. She is dedicated to being a support and assistant in your healing journey.
Contact Linda at 412 760-6933
- Usui Reiki – Adult and Children
- Holy Fire III World Peace Reiki
- Holy Fire III World Peace Karuna Reiki
- Christ Light Healing Method
- Integrative Energy Therapy with Angels
- H.U.G.G. Healing Method (Healing with the Universal Grace of God)
- Animal Reiki
- Chakra Balancing
- Spiritual Coaching Sessions
- doTerra Aromatouch Essential Oil Therapy and Essential Oil consultations
- Reiki for Palliative and Hospice Care
- End of Life Vigil Support
(Reiki and other healings offered in person or at a distance)
Instructor (Online & In Person)
- Usui Reiki
- Holy Fire Reiki III through advanced level (including On-line and World Peace)
- Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki
- Intuitive Development
- Specialized metaphysical workshops
- Westmoreland County Community College Continuing Education Instructor