Please note: For ongoing support, our personally written and recorded guided imagery CD’s are available for purchase in the Energy Connection online store. Please click here for more information.
Click on this link to learn more about healing with Chakra: Chakra article
Chakras 101 – Introduction to the Chakra System
An excellent introduction to the concept of the Chakra System covers the 7 main Chakra Centers. What the Chakra system is and what it does will be discussed. Each chakra will be described with its location; color and emotional correspondence; and impact on the physical structure. Learn how you can influence the balance of each chakra with certain gemstones and essential oils. . You will take a fun self test that gives you an idea of which of your own chakras are strongest and weakest. You will discover and read about your particular “Chakra Personality”. No prior knowledge is necessary to enjoy this class.
7 Gateways to Healing:
An in-depth look at the Chakra System
“The body is a vehicle of consciousness. Chakras are the wheels of life that carry that vehicle about – through its trials, tribulations and transformations.”
Anodea Judith, Wheels of Life
The Chakra System is a profound system for spiritual and emotional growth. These vortexes of moving subtle energy are information centers that take in, exchange, process, interact and affect all that you are. They are a lens through which you can look at your life and the world with new perspective. There are 7 major Chakra centers in the human body that create the framework of who you are and how you express yourself.
Each Chakra is explored in depth:
- Developmental stages – relationships with our energy from birth to present
- Emotional, mental and physical attributes
- Symptoms of imbalance
- Ways to create harmony within the system
- Correspondence to life patterns of behavior
- Healing meditation for each Chakra
Realizations of what you are made of will be the bridge to healing. You are guaranteed to end this series with a broader understanding of yourself and your relationships and a new view of circumstances in your life. I believe this to be a complete and powerful body of knowledge like no other.
A general idea of the chakra system will be helpful.
Check Calendar for class
Manifesting through the Chakras
Feeling sluggish or unfocused? Can’t seem to start or finish a project? Have a dream going unfulfilled? Learn how the vital currents of energy within and between the chakras provide pathways to manifesting. Liberation lifts you to the refined source of vital energy where you encounter insight, creative inspiration, connection to Divine guidance. The Manifestation Current descends from that vital source bringing you into a state where you can act and attract in the physical world to create what you are committed to manifest. The story of the creative energy dwelling in the currents of Chakra system will bring a greater understanding of what might be blocking your progress and how better to make your dreams and aspirations a reality.
Aura Energy Management – Creating Healthy Boundaries and Grounding Yourself
We all exist within our own energy space. The auric field is a biofield of energy that surrounds the physical body and intimately interacts with the environment and the energy of others. You feel much better if your energy field is defined and has healthy boundaries. When you become energetically vulnerable through negative interactions (bad relationships; conflict; criticism etc.) or persistent exposure to injurious circumstances (job or family situations; chronic illness; rigid rules, etc.) you easily become depleted and even traumatized by allowing circumstances and/or other people to claim your energy. A torn, bulging, depleted, traumatized or otherwise dysfunctional aura space will leave you out of sorts, emotionally spent and just simply not in balance. It is easy to strengthen your aura field and you will learn how to clear, cleanse and protect your personal space. You will be immediately aware of how it feels to be inside an intact and protected energy field as we practice simple techniques.
Check Calendar for class or inquire for personal session.
Deep Chakra and Aura Balancing – The chakras and aura respond very well to energetic clearing and balancing. There are techniques to reach deep into the energy of the chakras to ascertain and balance for optimum results. The aura surrounds and supports the entire energy field and therefore is sensitive to disturbance from outside as well as being affected by the state of your chakra energy. Having a thorough clearing and balance in these vital energy fields is supportive, healing and a means to get or keep you on track. This is a table session along with assessment
inquire for personal session.