Founder and Director of Energy Connection Creative Healing and Learning Center and School for Reiki
Reiki Teacher, Advanced Reiki Practitioner
Energy Specialist – Chakra Balancing, Aura Work, Energy Medicine
Community Health and Wellness Advocate – Essential Oils Educator
HUGG Spiritual Healing Method co-creator, teacher and practitioner
Serving North Huntingdon, Greensburg, and surrounding Westmoreland County for Reiki, Chakra work, Spiritual Healing, Therapeutic Essential Oils, and more.
As an avid student of the healing arts since 1969, Kathy has acquired a wide range of knowledge and experience. Since founding Energy Connection Center in l998, Kathy has worked full time to bring the vision of creative healing to individuals and community. In addition to maintaining a private practice and teaching work through the Center she has lectured at Westmoreland Community College (18 years), Seton Hill University, and Center in the Woods (affiliated with California State College). She has donated time volunteering for hospice program and offering community outreach with talks and demonstration for numerous Wellness Days, events, special interest groups, and businesses throughout the area.
The emphasis of her work is using self-awareness, energetic balance and spiritual connection to support well being and enhance life experience.
Kathy is an Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki® and Lightbody Reiki® co-creator, Practitioner and Certified Teacher. HUGG® co-creator, Instructor and Practitioner (Healing U with the Grace of God) In addition to Reiki she teaches and utilizes techniques for Chakra and Aura work; Energy Medicine; Meditation and Imagery; Prayer; and other energetic and spiritual modalities. An experienced and grounded intuitive, she offers private readings for guidance and direction as well as energy assessment. Of special interest is the therapeutic use of essential oils for physical and emotional support.
Honor, Humor and Humanity are her working ethics.
Kathy is available for:
- Private appointments
- Group and business consultation
- Class presentations
Some options include:
- Reiki/Energy Therapies sessions – Adults and children
- Reiki method training
- Spiritual/Intuitive Guidance Readings
- HUGG Healing with Angels Method Teacher and Practitioner
- Advanced Pendulum Clearing Techniques for Emotional Healing
- Basic and Advanced Chakra and Aura work
- Essential Oil consultations and education
- Individual and Group Prayer work
- Personal Angel Messages
- Chakra readings
- Past Life Profiles
- House Blessings and Cleansing
- Group healing
- CD recordings for chakra balance, energetic connection and prayer
By category:
Clearing/Healing with Pendulum Kathy Duffy 
In this unique CLEARING/HEALING SESSION I will first take an energetic measurement as well as an intuitive scan of your current “frequency” and energy field. Secondly, based upon those findings, I will attempt to move your vibration up to an ideal level by clearing blocks, limits, and so forth. In conjunction with that, we can discuss any concerns about relationships, employment, finances, health etc. and do specific clearings of energies that may be affecting or limiting your creation powers in these areas. When I do this work with you I will be connected to the highest possible vibration of Light and Creative Source to assure all is in your best interests and spiritually connected to your life plan.
Other areas you can explore inside this modality include:
Chakra clearing and repair
Relationship static and repair
Physical conditions and healing pathway opening
Past Life/Karma clearing
Intense space/environment clearing.
Family lineage clearing.
How I approach these obstructions and limits: By using Energy to affect Energy with a specifically focused intent based upon your needs and desires, I use the pendulum as an energy healing tool. I measure vibration levels and also use it as a dynamic indicator of the clearing actions and reactions.. It’s akin to reducing static or interference and promoting a clear broadcast into the higher vibration states.
By clearing limiting energy to allow flow of creative energy, your vibration levels will be more constant and balanced. In this state of being, you will be encouraging your guidance system to enjoy the present, release limits of the past and help map out the route best suited to your divine plan destination…better known as the “future”. In addition, being in a coherent state with your physical body will encourage healing and balancing of functions.
Contact [email protected]
Would you like a written reading/assessment of your chakra system? Each of your chakras (your spiritual/physical computer station) holds a reflection of what is going on in your energy system right now. By getting a reading of the nature and vibration of the flow, I can offer you some insight into what is going on there. Starting at the crown I scan for information, symbolism, emotional conditions, etc. through each chakra and let you know what I sense and feel. The language of energy is a powerful indicator of what you might want to put your attention on to heal, balance and move forward and to get to know yourself in a whole new way. I have been working with chakra language for over 30 years and I know it provide excellent information for healing and clarity. The comprehensive assessment will be emailed to you for your reference. Contact [email protected] to order. Cost is $75
You can contact Kathy via phone 724.863.2309 , text at 724 493 3395 or by email: [email protected]
Available for day and evening appointments
Visa and MasterCard services available