Articles for the Month of May 2016





kids in circle, small royalty free KID’S REIKI CLASSES –       Check site calendar for next scheduled class

KID’S CLASSES And TWEEN /TEEN CLASSES –             Ranging from 6 through 16

Children are naturally open to the idea of sharing loving energy. Our specially designed Reiki for YOUNG KIDS, TWEENS AND TEENS are a simplified and age appropriate version of traditional Usui Reiki In easily understood concepts they are introduced to the idea of the flow of energy; how to start its flow and the proper ways to use Reiki. We encourage first and foremost the use of Reiki for themselves as a calming and healing skill. We also promote the use of Reiki with their family members and pets. Initiating Reiki for use by children is a simple visualization technique. A Reiki blessing and guided imagery is used as initiation and they will practice Reiki on each other in class.   For young people with big hearts!                                     They will receive a Certificate of Completion.

A parent or guardian is encouraged to stay with their younger children for the class