In the age of technology, we understand how a system like a computer program reacts to certain commands.  If we input the correct command we experience the positive effect.  We know we need to utilize the correct input to achieve our desired output.  We go through a specific sequence of instructions to the computer program to achieve a specific end result. Random doesn’t work!  In simple terms, if we don’t go through the correct steps, with a clear understanding of our desired outcome, it’s akin to asking a calculator to act as a dictionary.
In spiritual technology we can use this analogy to understand we have an energy program called the Chakra system.  It is our subtle energy computer that organizes our beliefs, thought patterns and experiences.  We encode it throughout our life, mostly unconsciously.   If we don’t understand the coding, we won’t manifest our desired outcome.  The chakra system is our manifesting computer.


 Individual Chakra work:

If you would like to work one on one…here are a few options for you.  If you feel you need something “custom made”, just call and request a consultation.

WHAT DO YOUR CHAKRAS SHOW ME?    Kathy Duffy, Reiki Master Teacher/ Energy Field Specialist/ Intuitive           Chakras are part of the human energy field…the part of you that develops from birth (and even before) constantly downloading and processing your life experiences. Life experiences = chakra energy.   The energy that moves in your chakras broadcasts throughout your physical, mental and emotional aspects influencing them in powerful ways.  When there is a disruption in the flow within the chakra it has a very real effect on you.  A chakra can be congested, overactive, under-active, weak, blocked, exhausted. Chronically unbalanced chakra system has long term effects.  A disrupted chakra also affects your aura or energy field that surrounds and holds you.  That can weaken you and leave you vulnerable to another’s energy.  When your chakra system is balanced and flowing you will feel an immediate shift.  If you maintain a free flowing chakra system you will discover the value of connected and vital energy in all aspects of your life.

In a one on one session, I do an assessment of your chakra energy I tune into you and feel/sense/see your energies. I allow information to flow from that and let you know what I intuit.  The information here can tell me how to advise you in achieving (manifesting) your goals, whether they are physical, mental or emotional changes you want to make or perhaps how to move forward.   This is reinforced in a table session to balance your chakras, energy fields and allow the flow of Reiki to harmonize your healing.  Sessions are typically 1.5 to 2 hrs.




                  A Chakra Reading offers you insight and a means of understanding your own process.  It can assist your self awareness and that is always a good thing!

CHAKRA READING – Emailed to you           Kathy Duffy

Would you like a written reading/assessment of your chakra system?  Each of your chakras (your spiritual/physical computer station) holds a reflection of what is going on in your energy system right now.  By getting a reading of the nature and vibration of the flow, I can offer you some insight into what is influencing your present state.  Starting at the crown I scan for information, symbolism, emotional conditions, etc. through each chakra and let you know what I sense and feel.   The language of energy is a powerful indicator of what you might want to put your attention on to heal, balance and move forward and to get to know yourself in a whole new way.   I have been working with chakra language for over 30 years and I know it provides excellent information for healing and clarity.  The comprehensive assessment will be emailed to you for your reference.  Contact [email protected] to order.  Cost is $75

For more discussion about the chakra system read the post “Chakras, The Energy that Teaches”




Deep Chakra and Aura Balancing –  The chakras and aura  respond very well to energetic clearing and balancing.   There are techniques to reach deep into the energy of the chakras to ascertain and balance for optimum results. The aura surrounds and supports the entire energy field and therefore is sensitive to disturbance from outside as well as being affected by the state of your chakra energy. Having a thorough clearing and balance in these vital energy fields is supportive, healing and a means to get or keep you on track.    This is a table session or can be done at a distance.

Deep Chakra and Aura Cleanse/Balance –  $75

Call Kathy at 724 863 2309   Text at 724 493-3395 or [email protected]




Reach your Ideal Creation Frequency Clearings and Healings


In this unique CLEARING/HEALING SESSION I will first take an energetic measurement as well as an intuitive scan of your current “frequency” and energy field.   Secondly, based upon those findings, I will attempt to move your vibration up to an ideal level by clearing blocks, limits, and so forth.   In conjunction with that, we can discuss any concerns about relationships, employment, finances, health etc. and do specific clearings of energies that may be affecting or limiting your creation powers in these areas. When I do this work with you, I will be connected to the highest possible vibration of Light and Creative Source to assure all is in your best interests and spiritually connected to your life plan.

Other areas you can explore inside this modality include:            Appointments available in person or by phone.

Chakra clearing and repair

Relationship static and repair

Physical conditions and healing pathway opening

Past Life/Karma clearing.

Intense space/environment clearing.

Family lineage clearing.


I was feeling run down and heavy, like I was carrying the weight of the world.  I was holding on to everything, feed back from folks around me was “You have to let that shit go!”  NO!  That’s a sure sign that Negative Nancy is in town, everything from my perspective was negative.  Hello what’s your name? “No!”; Welcome to the circle…”No!; Would you like a drink? “No!”‘ perhaps a pendulum clearing? “No!”  Wait a minute, maybe I should try that!  Knowing that I needed something to catapult me out of the rut I was in, I summoned up a “Yes!”  Boy, am I glad I did.  I didn’t notice a difference at first, but by the time I got to my car and began the drive home, I felt like a new woman.  The weight was lifted and  I was feeling so shiny and brand new, ready to take on the world with a new attitude! I was so delighted with the outcome of the first session, I thought I might try the group healing.  During the group healing I could actually sense the debris of life being removed from my energy body as it was being transformed into something lovely.  I do my best to keep energetically clean, however if you are anything like me and go out into this world to see what it has to offer, you are bound to get dirty.  Think of it this way, your energy and physical bodies are your personal vehicles.  Just like a car we keep them clean yet every once in a while we have them detailed, a deep and thorough cleaning.  Pendulum clearing is a deep and thorough cleaning of your energy body.  It shakes loose debris and all that’s hard to let go of, then you can shift.  Once you shift, it’s like a new wax job, it’s more difficult to collect debris!  Yay!  This all makes for a Happy Human, no room for Negative Nancy in this vehicle!

A clean energy system runs well, runs long.  Live, get dirty, get cleared, repeat,”                  Much love, Robin

What Lowers our Vibration?  Each individual is fashioned by their unique experiences.  Conscious and subconscious thought patterns and habits.  Belief systems.  Repetitive negative reactions.  World views.  Energetic contracts and agreements with others.  Desires. Fears.  Expectations.  Influences.  Exposure to non-beneficial energies from situations, environments, individuals and the like…all these can reduce the higher frequencies, limiting the creative energies of love, happiness, fulfillment, ease, connection – and contribute to weakened physical vitality.

How do you raise vibrations with this particular method?  Most simply by eliminating what is interfering with your ideal frequency so that you are more in harmony and in the best position to generate your power of intention to heal, to break the cords or negative emotions/relationships that are bringing your vibration down.  I engage a focused intent, and with the use of a pendulum scramble the frequencies of lower, denser energies in your field and subsequently open the pathway for high vibration energies of love, freedom, ease, healing, etc. to pour into your energy field. The shift has an immediate effect.  Many people feel the difference in a new lightness of being or a sense of being free of a burdened feeling.

Being in an ideal creation frequency is a high vibration condition and it puts you more in harmony with your physical body.  Being in an ideal creation frequency also includes being more in touch with your higher self and your spiritual guides and Divine Source.  Access most easily comes through your ability to be clear.  Best decisions naturally follow. The Law of Attraction is actively positive. You feel better……right away!  And then build on it.

 How I approach these obstructions and limits:   By using Energy to affect Energy with a specifically focused intent based upon your needs and desires, I use the pendulum as an energy healing tool.  I measure vibration levels and also use it as a dynamic indicator of the clearing actions and reactions.. It’s akin to reducing static or interference and promoting a clear broadcast into the higher vibration states.

By clearing limiting energy to allow flow of creative energy, your vibration levels will be more constant and balanced.  In this state of being, you will be encouraging your guidance system to enjoy the present, release limits of the past and help map out the route best suited to your divine plan destination…better known as the “future”.  In addition, being in a coherent state with your physical body will encourage healing and balancing of functions. 


PENDULUM rotating

Kathy Duffy, RMT, Energy Specialist  724 863 2309   Click here to learn more about Kathy

Energy Connection Creative Healing & Learning Ctr         150 Robbins Station Road, North Huntingdon Pa



Personal Session:

Process usually takes an hour.  Cost is $75.   If you want to experience this modality, please call me for an appointment.  In Person or Phone.


Chakras – The Energy That Teaches



The human energy field called the Chakra System is an energetic processing structure with distinct purpose in our development. In classifying, coordinating and arranging all our life experiences, it offers up a template of the person we are today.

Ever wonder why you continue to feel stuck or frustrated even though you are trying? Do you sometimes feel there’s has to be a “secret” to manifestation you just haven’t found yet? Do you struggle with a stubborn chronic condition, addiction, or repeated relationship issues? Or perhaps you are simply curious about energy.

Many of our patterned or persistent difficulties can be traced back to an unbalanced flow of energy through the chakras. The word “chakra” means wheel. In the human body, there are 7 main chakras, or wheels of energy that are like data centers.   From birth to the present, our energy centers continue to download data from the social environment, family, relationships, attitudes, beliefs, and every experience of how we each are positioned in the world, our world. It follows then that we tend to act upon what is programmed into us, healthy or unhealthy as it may be. The chakras respond to long term programming but they also respond to daily input. Sometimes we feel we have it together, sometimes not so much. Say, if you have deep issues of unworthiness stemming from childhood your whole energy system uses that feeling as a cue on how to act/feel today based upon what you learned/felt at 3 yrs. old. You can see that many of our behaviors/feelings lay in the subconscious energy and the sharing of that energy information is part of the function of the chakra system.  We are a sum total of all that we have experienced, even if that experience was formed before we had a choice or any perceived authority over ourselves. If you are 3 years old, you don’t have the tools to say “well, that’s not true”, therefore we download other peoples truths. This holds true for traumas, small and large. They shape what we think of the world and ourselves. Like a computer program, we sometimes need to rewrite the data base and clean up any non-beneficial viruses of thought or belief imbedded there.

A balanced chakra system is an invaluable asset. Because the individual chakras each need and depend on the healthy working of the whole, a flow of unimpeded energy through the system promotes awareness and repair. The energy of the chakras, these wheels of spinning color and light, multidimensional and quantum in nature, are extremely responsive to intention, thought and movement to initiate a more clear and balanced state.  No doubt a chakra balance is a positive action for everyone. It has immediate results and empowers a cascading effect through the body, mind and spirit. Everyone feels better after an energetic clearing and balancing. Yet, in order to facilitate consistent forward development, a person is well served to learn more about the symbolic and developmental aspects of the chakras so they can apply this knowledge to achieve a greater level of self-healing. As the chakra is repaired through self-awareness, the flow of communicative energy is more powerful and long lasting.


You can depend on Reiki to include a balancing effect on your Chakras automatically.  If you feel you want or need more attention to the Chakra energies request a Deep Clearing and Healing session from your practitioner.  In paying individual attention to each Chakra center, you will likely feel the dynamic movement clearing out the density and debris in the field and the lightness of recovery of balance and harmony.  It’s actually quite extraordinary and powerful!  Your practitioner will always clear and strengthen your Aura space as well.  If there are any holes, tears or the like, those will also be addressed.  You will be grounded and ready to go.